Is Unspeakable gaming Kid Friendly? A Parents YouTube Channel Review

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We are excited to bring you another popular YouTube channel review today. We will be discussing Unspeakable & Unspeakablegaming and taking a deep dive into their content. We will be watching several videos and actually discussing 3 of the videos we watch below. 

Please make sure to read the review disclosure below so you can understand our goal and what we are trying to accomplish. We want to help you determine whether or not Unspeakablegaming & Unspeakable is kid friendly specifically for your kids! 

My wife and I are parents of a 16, 13 and 8 year old. We get a broad range of YouTube content that plays in our home. We both also have YouTube channels that we post content to. We also both enjoy and consumer our own YouTube content. We feel we are pretty qualified on both sides of the YouTube spectrum to be able to rate and review YouTube channels. Obviously, we do not consider ourselves the best authority on whether or not Unspeakable is kid friendly to YOUR children. Read the disclosure below as its important that we send the right message with this review. After you are done please enjoy our Unspeakable & Unspeakablegaming YouTube channel review. 

Unspeakablegaming YouTube Channel Review

Unspeakable Channels Quick Facts

Is Unspeakable Kid Friendly

Unspeakable gaming Quick Facts

Nathan Johnson Graham who is 22 years old is known online as Unspeakablegaming or Unspeakable for short. He has a gaming YouTube channel that primarily shows content around the game Minecraft. Nathan is a United States based YouTuber and is from the state of Texas. 

His videos often show him playing Minecraft on his own personal server. He often plays with other popular Youtubers showcasing user created maps, doing different challenges and games. These games often include Hide N’ Seeks, do not laugh challenges, these are often played with is fans on his server. 

Nathan has 3 primary channels and we will highlight some quick facts about each below. We will be pulling videos from each channel to review and talk about. Odds are, if your child is watching Unspeakablegaming they are probably seeing videos from the other 2 channels as well. 

*All quick facts are accurate up to the time of writing this review. Some may have changed! 

Unspeakablegaming Channels Quick Facts

Unspeakable Channels Quick Facts

Unspeakable Channels Quick Facts

Unspeakablegaming Kid Friendliness Scales

Check out each category below as we rate Unspeakable gaming based on our opinion for each category. We tried to include all categories that most parents would find important to understand about a YouTube channel to help determine whether or not the channel is kid friendly for their children. 

The higher the number the higher amount of that type of content the channel has. 

Educational Value 0/100
Web Designer

Unless you consider senseless acts of Minecraft educational, not much here to help a kid learn about anything important. 

Language 10/100

Does use some subtle language. Uses “Flip” in place of curse words. But never actually uses any bad language. Did say he would be a “god” at one point if he was able to complete a task. Which could be offensive to some. 

Scariness & Violence: 10/100

Very minimal scariness and violence. Minecraft, in my opinion, has very minimal violence. Your child is only subject to the minimal violence you might find in Minecraft. To see the ESRB info for Minecraft, click here! 

Consumerism: 85/100

Unspeakable took just about every chance to push their merch. Sometimes it was as much as 3 different times in one video. I totally understand that this is their business model, but it did feel excessive. 

Sex/Adult Themes 0/100

Nothing here that I could find. 

Positive Message 10/100

Not a big positive message but Unspeakable is not negative either. I’d like to see more of a positive message sent, but at least they aren’t putting bad vibes out. 

Unspeakable & Unspeakablegaming Video Overviews

We watched several videos but wanted to spotlight and go over 3 of the videos below. If you want to watch some of the content we will try our best to highlight when certain things happen that we want to talk about. You can watch the video right on this page and go along with us!

Video 1: I Found PRESTON As The Enderdragon In Minecraft

In this video Unspeakabl embarks on an incredible journey to take down Preston who is the Enderdragon. I’ve played Minecraft with my kids a few times but don’t know enough about it to understand what is really going on here. I’m assuming its on some kind of private server and Preston is his friend? 

There was definitely an emphasis in this video to push the special Halloween shirts on his website. He fist pushed this merch at the just over the 3:30 mark. Then again later, which I’ll explain below. 

Most of this just over 8 minute video is him trying to take out the Enderdragon. Pretty standard YouTuber fare here. Lots of yelling, lots of really annoying noises and talking. At the 6:15 mark he goes on to make an awful noise then put in on a loop with music that ALMOST made me turn this video off. This is the kind of thing I hear my child listening to and I end up yelling at them to, TURN IT DOWN!!!!! Then at the end of the awful noise he went on to push merch again, for the second time. This entire loop lasted about a minute and almost drove me to insanity. 

He did mention at one point that if he hits the Enderdragon with a bow, he would be a “God” which can be offensive to some. He did commonly use the word flip in the place of other common curse words. Like, “What the flip”. 

Was this video inappropriate? I don’t think so, I would allow my kid to watch it. Was it valuable for a child to watch, absolutely not. No educational value. This would only be an entertaining Minecraft video. I thought it was terribly annoying and would not enjoy watching it with my child. 

This video was from the Unspeakable main channel, not the gaming channel. I can see how kids might find it entertaining but as an adult it was kind of boring. 

This video essentially is a bunch of young men putting packaging peanuts in a home and burying wrapped presents all over the place and taking turns trying to find them. There wasn’t anything innappropriate about this video but there wasn’t anything educational either. Overall it was a bit annoying but I understand why kids might find it fun. 

Once they found the gifts they took turns opening them and seeing what they found. It was mostly toys, electronics and other fun gifts. There was a lot of screaming and general YouTube annoyingness (is that  a word?) but overall not really inappropriate in anyway. 

Although it wasn’t as prevalent as in the last video, there was still a couple pitches to buy his merch. Toward the end of the video they did take turns throwing some of the gifts at each other which could convey a bit of violence, but nothing to really be alarmed at. 

There were a couple of toys that referenced “farting” and “pooping”. One was a fart machine and the other was a flamingo sitting on a toilet. Again, nothing really inappropriate but really unnecessarily silly. There was also a bit of play fighting and wrestling at the very end of the video. 


Another mostly mind numbing video from Unspeakable. They play in a pool for about 17 minutes. That is almost literally the entire video. There is some play fighting and wrestling but overall nothing really inappropriate. The video was pretty boring and silly but nothing that I wouldn’t allow my kids at any age to watch. 

There were a couple instances of Unspeakable pushing their merch which has become the norm for this channel. Overall, this video was really silly and mostly annoying. I have seen videos from similar Youtubers that were kind of entertaining, this one was just hard for me to watch. A lot of yelling and young men just messing around. 

About Unspeakable & Unspeakablegaming

“Minecraft Survival Island” which he uploaded on November 17th, 2012. In 2015 Unspeakablegaming hit 100K subscribers earning the coveted Silver Play Button. 

In 2016 Nathan’s success continued to rise and he decided to create a new channel, “Unspeakable” that would start to showcase different games than just Minecraft. In September of 2016 his new channel Unspeakable hit 1 million subscribers. 

In 2017 Nathan released a merchandise store called Unspeakable Clothing. He then created another YouTube channel called “Unspeakable Plays” where he plays the Minecraft Pocket edition. This channel hit 100K subscribers in just 24 hours feeding off the success of his other 2 channels. By the end of 2017 Unspeakablegaming hit 1 billion views. 

In 2019 his newer channel “Unspeakable” hit 2 million subscriptions. In March of 2019 the “unspeakable” channel was now up to 3M subs. In 2021 Unspeakablegaming, Unspeakable and Unspeakableplays are still going strong. 

Read more about Unspeakablegaming and other channels here!

Is Unspeakable Kid Friendly: Conclusion

Would I allow my kids to watch Unspeakable & Unspeakable gaming? Yes, I think I would. It wouldn’t be my first choice as it doesn’t provide them much value. However, if kids find this entertaining then I think it’s appropriate. I remember when I was a kid some of the shows I watched were purely entertainment and did not offer much in terms of learning. Most Nickelodeon shows were awful but I loved watching them. 

I put Unspeakable and all his channels in this category. It’s mostly harmless fun. So, is Unspeakable and Unspeakablegaming kid friendly? Yeah, I think so. But, that is a choice you will have to make for your children. I hope we were able to provide you enough info so you can at least have a good starting point of understanding what these YouTube channels are all about. 

If you have any questions or comments, please sound off in the comment section below!

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